- Professor Lydia Fisher
- Professor Peter Greenfield
- Professor Julie Neff-Lippman
- Professor Tamiko Nimura
- Professor Michael Curley
- Professor Denise Despres
Professor Lydia Fisher
"The Savage in the House." Arizona Quarterly 64.1 (Winter 2008): 49-75.
Works in Progress
"Growing Wild: Dred’s Critique of Cultivation." Under review.
Lydia Fisher is currently working on a book project entitled Domesticating the Nation: Science and Home Culture in Nineteenth-Century America, which examines the convergence of science and ideas about the home in United States literature and culture.
Select Conference Papers
"Thomas Jefferson and Catherine Beecher: National Bodies, American Environments, and Cultivating Science," Association for the Study of Literature and Environment Biennial Conference, Spartanburg, SC, June 2007.
"Darwin’s Predecessors in America: Hereditarian Science and Antebellum Domestic Literature," American Literature Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA, May 2007.
Professor Peter Greenfield
Records of Early English Drama: Gloucestershire. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1986.
Monks, Minstrels and Players: Drama in Hampshire before 1642. Co-authored with Jane Cowling. Illustrated monograph published in the Hampshire Papers series by the Hampshire Record Office, 2008.
"Drama Outside London 1540-1642," in The Cambridge History of British Theatre, vol. 1, eds. Peter Thomson and Jane Milling (Cambridge University Press, 2004), 178-199.
"Regional Performance in Shakespeare’s Time," in Region, Religion and Patronage: Lancastrian Shakespeare, eds. Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay and Richard Wilson (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003) 243-251.
"’The actors are come hither’: Travelling Companies," in The Blackwell’s Companion to English Renaissance Drama, ed. Arthur F. Kinney (Oxford: Blackwells 2002) 212-222.
Select Conference Papers
"Dragons, Maypoles and Careless Actors: On the Dearth of Dramatic Records of Hertfordshire," paper presented in a session on "Barren Ground or Lost Evidence?" at the July 2008 International Medieval Congress at the University of Leeds, U.K.
"Emplotting a Plot," paper presented in the seminar on "Histories and Methodologies" at the March 2008 Shakespeare Association of America meeting in Dallas.
"Minstrelsy in Queen Isabella’s Household, 1357-58," paper presented in seession, "Household Accounts: A Triangulated Approach," at the 2007 International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University.
Professor Julie Neff-Lippman, past director of the Center for Writing, Learning, and Teaching
Select Conference Papers
"Genre and Creativity," panel presentation at Writing Across Borders conference, University of California, Santa Barbara, February 24, 2008.
"Writing and Learning Disabilities," an invited talk to faculty and graduate students at Queen Mary College, University of London, October 23, 2007.
Professor Tamiko Nimura
Kashiwagi, Hiroshi. The Shoebox Plays. San Jose, CA: Asian American Curriculum Project, 2008.
Kashiwagi, Hiroshi. Swimming in the American: A Memoir and Selected Writings. San Jose, CA: Asian American Curriculum Project, 2004. Winner of the 2005 American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation.
"Why do we always have to talk about race?: Teaching American Literature in the Post- Affirmative Action Liberal Arts Environment." Accepted essay for the anthology The Problem of the Color-Blind: College Teachers Talk About the Fears, Risks,and Rewards of Teaching Race in 21st Century America, edited by Lisa Guerrero. Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan. Co-authored with Alison Tracy Hale.
"Crossracial Coalition in the Academy: Field Notes From An Asian American Feminist." Invited submission, accepted for the anthology Brown on Brown: Mobilizing Interracial Coalition Against Empire. Edited by writer/activist Shannon Gibney. (South End Press).
Professor Michael Curley
Geoffrey of Monmouth. New York: Twayne, 1994.
"The Miracles of Saint David: A New Text and its Context," Traditio.
Jean Blacker. Anglo-Norman Verse Prophecies of Merlin Speculum.
Jeanette Beer, Beasts of Love: Richard de Fournival’s "Bestiaire d’amour" and a Woman’s Response. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003. Reviewed in Romance Philology.
Select Conference Papers
"Politics and the Miracles of Saint David," Medieval Association of the Pacific, 2006 Salt Lake City, 2006.
Referee for an Article Submitted to Speculum Espurgatoire Seint Patriz.
Professor Denise Despres
Iconography and the Professional Reader: The Politics of Book Production in the Douce Piers Plowman, with Dr. Kathryn Kerby-Fulton (University of Notre Dame). University of Minnesota Press, Medieval Cultural Studies Series, vol. 15, 1999.
Ghostly Sights: Visual Meditation in Late-Medieval Literature, Pilgrim Books, 1989.
Selected Articles
"Medicine and Sacramentals: Performative Material Culture in the York Pageants" in the Journal of Magic, Ritual and Witchcraft (University of Pennsylvania). Forthcoming.
“Iconography and Iconoclasm: Christian Doctrine and Religious Heterodoxy,” in The Oxford Handbook to Chaucer, ed. Suzanne Conklin Akbari, 2020.
“Ecstasy and Intimacy: The Material Culture of Medieval Devotional Literacy,” in The Blackwell Companion to British Literature, ed. Robert DeMaria, Heesok Chang, and Samantha Zacher, 2014.
“Adolescence and Interiority in Aelred’s Lives of Christ,” forthcoming in Mapping Medieval Lives of Christ, eds. Ryan Perry and Stephen Kelly, Queen’s University, Belfast, Ireland, 2014.
“Sacramentals and Ghostly Sights,” Response to Jonathan Juilfs’ “Reading the Bible Differently, Marguerite Porete’s Mirror of Simple Souls,” in Something Fearful: Medievalist Scholars on the ‘Religious Turn’ in Literary Criticism, ed. Kathryn Kerby-Fulton (Spring, 2010).
“Adolescence and Sanctity: The Life and Passion of Saint William of Norwich,” Journal of Religion, January 2010.
“The Protean Jew in the Vernon Manuscript,” in Chaucer and the Jews, ed. Sheila Delaney, Routledge, 2002.