Honors Program Food Drive
The University of Puget Sound’s Honors Program and the St. Leo Food Connection are partnering to help provide weekend food for local children at risk of going hungry. The Food Connection’s Backpack Program sends food home to more than 1,100 children every weekend throughout the school year to help ensure they come back to school on Mondays ready to learn. The program sends home easy to prepare items (macaroni and cheese, individual oatmeal packets, canned dinners) as well as healthy snacks and fresh produce.
UPS students can donate food items for the program by purchasing them with their surplus Dining Dollars. You can purchase program friendly items at the Cellar, Oppenheimer Café, Diversions Café, Lillis Café, or the Diner. Once purchases, donations can be placed in the labeled St. Leo Food Connection donation boxes found in Thompson Hall, Wyatt Hall, the Fieldhouse, and in Wheelock Student Center by the Info Desk and in the Mailroom. You can make a big difference in a hungry child’s life while letting the Honors Program do the leg-work!
You can also bring any non-perishable food items that you would like to donate the St Leo’s Food Connection to the Honors Program assistant, Ti Allshouse, in Wyatt 139.
Your contribution means the world to those who are in need.
Thank You!