Art History

Art history majors develop skills to analyze artworks from a wide range of cultures around the globe. Students learn about a range of art historical methods and how to use them to analyze art in its historical context.




Areas of Art History

Survey courses:
  • Ancient through medieval art of Europe, the Mediterranean and Western Asia
  • Renaissance through contemporary art of the Western Europe and the Americas
  • Ancient through contemporary art of Asia
Upper-division courses:
  • Ancient Greek and Roman
  • Medieval (Late Antique and Byzantine, Islamic, Western European)
  • Modern Europe and the Americas
  • Asian (China, Japan, Buddhist, East Asian Calligraphy)
  • Art historical methodology
  • Museums and curating in the 21st century


A student holds open a book during class

Awards and Scholarships are available for current and incoming students.

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An Art History guest lecturer presentation

There are many distinguished guest lecturers who visit the Art History classes throughout the year.

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See what Art History alumni are accomplishing to see the possibilities of an Art History career.

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Sample Art History Courses

Historical Guide to Kittredge Hall

Kittredge Hall, the fifth permanent building on campus (after Jones, Howarth, and Anderson Halls and Warner Gymnasium), served as a student center for the first eighteen years of its existence, 1942-1959. Kittredge as a student center was vitally important in Puget Sound’s development—eagerly sought, heavily used, and much appreciated by students. After years of fragmented functioning of student groups in Jones and Howarth, Kittredge was where the unity of campus spirit could and did flourish. Kittredge was “home base” for the first generations of wartime and post-war “can do” students. All paths led to Kittredge.

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