
1500 N. Warner St. #1086
Tacoma, WA 98416-1086


Administrative Support Coordinator

Rutie MacKenzie-Margulies

Join the Puget Sound Philosophy Listserv!

This listserv provides information for the campus on philosophy-related events. It is not a discussion list.

Philosophy is the systematic consideration of timeless and timely questions of human concern.

What is it to be human? What is real? How should we live? What can we know? Such timeless philosophical questions have not only generated the academic disciplines that comprise a liberal arts education, but continue to interrogate and inform their intellectual foundations.

How does race structure social reality? How does gender influence the transmission of knowledge? What is our moral responsibility toward future generations impacted by climate change? Could a machine think? Such timely philosophical questions apply the same systematicity to conditions that confront us today so that we can better understand what the world is, who we are, and what we should do.

Photo of Philosophy Faculty
L-R: Sam Liao, Ariela Tubert, Sara Protasi, Justin Tiehen
Philosophy Lending Library

This is a self-serve/honor system library on the third floor of Wyatt Hall in the alcove across from the elevator.

See the Bibliography
Philosophy logo

Check out the blog from the Philosophy Department at the University of Puget Sound.

2019 Ethics Bowl team members

This collaborative yet competitive event sees teams analyze a series of wide-ranging ethical dilemmas. It’s is a great way for students to deepen their understanding and appreciation of interesting ethical and social issues.