Image Contest

Science Core Facility

1500 N. Warner St. #1088
Tacoma, WA 98416-1088

Amy Replogle


Office Hours

Mon. - Fri.
9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Submission Guidelines


  • Must be a currently enrolled student or graduated the year of the contest at the University of Puget Sound; any major is welcome.
  • Individuals are allowed to submit up to three entries, but these must be of different subjects or utilizing different microscopy techniques.


  • Any image taken on a microscope at Puget Sound is eligible (light, fluorescence, SEM, TEM, or confocal microscopy).
  • Images can be generated from coursework or independent research conducted at Puget Sound.
  • Images should contain a scale bar and additional annotations entrants feel are necessary to help the audience understand your image.

Image Quality:

  • Files must be in .JPEG or.TIFF format.
  • Please submit the highest quality image with regard to file size, bit depth, and resolution.
  • Digital editing software may be used to adjust image attributes such as brightness, contrast, and color saturation, but the software used must be indicated in the figure caption.
  • Digital editing software MAY NOT be used to alter the contents of the image outside of scale bars or other necessary annotations.


All entries must be emailed to Amy Replogle ( with a figure caption by the Monday before the Fall poster symposium.


  • Will take place at the Fall Poster Symposium.
  • Images will be judged by a panel of Puget Sound faculty, staff, and students in attendance.
  • To see last year’s entries and winners see our Photo Gallery.

Past Prizes:

  • Prize winners were announced at the Fall Poster Symposium.
  • People’s Choice winner received a water bottle and umbrella by Leica.
  • All entrants received a flash drive and travel clock also provided by Leica.
  • All entries are featured on the Science Core Facility Webpage.
  • All images are displayed in the Harned Hall Science Center.